Almost, first here is a look at the skirt. I chose to cartridge pleat the skirt and rather than attaching it directly to the skirt I attached it to a one-inch wool twill tape.

The skirt is then attached to the bodice at the piping and the wool tape is basted to the bodice at the top of the tape.

I also used a dog-leg closure. After wearing the dress for I realize I need to tweak it a bit. The dog-leg is too long. I made it at six inches and probably can shorten it to three.

The skirt is not pleated to the dog-leg, but left straight to provide a panel under the skirt opening. Another fix before wearing again is to correct the skirt opening as the pleating is clumsy there and isn’t laying flat as it should.
The accessories and buttons are then added. The bow is made of velvet with a small broach pinned to the center. The collar is broderie anglaise on a light cotton. The buttons I found online. Not sure of the material and would have rather had black, but these worked until something perfect comes along.

And the finished (until I take it apart to fix the issues) product. I wore it for a day at Greenfield Village in Dearborn Michigan. There will be another post about that.

PS. ignore the ties on the bonnet. I love the bonnet, but I do need wider ties.
Categories: Civil War