Her War

Interpreting Women's Lives during the American Civil War

Category: Civil War

Winter Clothes: Wool Stockings

The next addition to the winter clothes is wool stockings. I realized at Remembrance Day that my cotton stockings were not enough. I found some wonderful wool knit at Needle and Thread in Gettysburg. It is very much like cotton jersey or t-shirt material, but of wool and a little heavier weight. I was hoping to find some wild color or pattern but settled on grey. I may go back […]

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Cold Weather Clothes: Flannel Drawers

The next item of necessity in my winter wardrobe is a pair of canton flannel drawers. As a reminder, I plan to attend an event in Vermont in February with some outdoor activities, so need warm underthings. I have made a quilted hood, wool petticoat and plan to make wool stockings, a muff and, if I have time, over mittens. Canton flannel, so called from where it was first produced, […]

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