Her War

Interpreting Women's Lives during the American Civil War

Category: Civil War

Broderie Anglaise

How can I get so lucky!! Two Genteel Arts classes in one month! My second class was Broderie Anglaise hosted by the Surratt House Museum in Clinton MD and presented by Carolann Schmitt. This is addictive needlework. We started the class with an overview of broderie anglaise including a wonderful display of original garments with the broderie work and a pattern book. All of the following photos are from the […]

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Surplice Bodice

In August I attended a Genteel Arts class on making a surplice bodice; this is a bodice that crosses over in the front. The class was held in New Oxford rather than Gettysburg in a class room space at Cross Keys Village. It was a nice space and we created quite a stir with some of the village residents with our sewing and showing off our corsets. And I failed […]

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