Her War

Interpreting Women's Lives during the American Civil War

Author Archives


Welbourne 2016

It’s not very often that we, as living history civilians, get to “live” in the time. So many reenactments focus on the military with the civilians in a “town” trying to pretend a wall tent is our home or worse, staying in the military camp trying hard to come up with reasons for our presence there. Welbourne is an event put on by Jessica Craig held at the Welbourne Inn […]

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New Undies!

Now that I live in the East, I am able to attend more of Carolann Schmitt’s sewing classes. The classes start at 8:00 am and run to 5:00 pm so they are full weekend sessions. She provides us with a notebook with a bibliography and gives an overview lecture. The most recent was a chemise and drawers class.  The weekend was divided up into sections; we first worked on the […]

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