Her War

Interpreting Women's Lives during the American Civil War

Hopewell 2017

The first weekend in June was Jessica Craig’s Hopewell Furnace living history event. This event is very enjoyable; Jessica does such a wonderful job putting her events together and making sure there are activities to everyone busy if they wish. I did not take very many photos this year; but Jessica took many.

Hopewell is a beautiful site.




















This year I played on the porch of the iron master’s house.

And I had visitors.








First person is encouraged at this event. I was able to have a great conversation with a village visitor about temperance which rabbit holed into the discussion of Germans and beer, and needing to encourage those who drink to find religion to help ease the pain they are using drink to numb.

(The following pictures are all Jessica Craig’s)


Another fun thing about this event is there are children. This year there were many, of all ages.


There were many different impressions include merchants. We had a tailor, a peddler, a photographer, a soda dealer and of course our boarding house cooks.


Other activities included making ice cream, which was very good.

Saturday also included a picnic of fried chicken, pickled eggs, pickles and other goodies.


At the picnic some of us received mail. I received a letter from a cousin asking me my opinion of some wallpaper, a swatch was included in the letter.

Later in the afternoon we had a baked goods contest. My entry, unfortunately, attracted ants and I had to withdraw. But there were some wonderful entries of cakes, cookies and a jelly.

Three gentlemen served as judges and took their job very seriously.


And the winners were:

Unfortunately I don’t have a photo of the Grand Champion awarded to the jelly.







I did not stay on site this year so left before dark. I had planned to return Sunday, but we had a dog emergency and spent the day at the dog hospital instead.

This was such a fun time with so many wonderful participants. I can’t wait for Jess’s next event–a seaside event at Cape May, New Jersey!


Categories: Civil War, Immersion Events, Living History